Review: World After - Susan Ee

I received a copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

World After is the second book in the Penryn & End of Days series, so naturally check out the first book in the series, Angelfall before doing anything else. But do note, that this a a solid sequel in the series, which is pretty badass.

This book was stressful. I had no idea how it was going to end without something horrible happening to one of our beloved characters. Similar to the first one, one bad situation seemed to follow another,which had Penryn running for her life while trying to protect her family. This book also delivers the same amount of gore that the first book gave, which I really enjoy in a YA novel. So if you don't like graphic imagery, avoid this series! 

However, this book did suffer from a bit of second book syndrome, OR better known as filler to bridge the introduction to the series and the conclusion. There was some good story development and I can sense a kick ass conclusion to this series. However, what a lot of what made the first book so good was the banter between Raffe and Penryn, which was missing in the first 2/3 of this book. Together Raffe and Penryn are badass and the slow burn sort of romance is to die for. Without it, the story did lack some luster.

What still is awesome about this story is Penryn. She is still badass and holds her own. Who doesn't love a badass female heroine? Plus a lot of the new developments could really be awesome in the next book. Let's hope anyway. 

Conclusions - Still pretty badass but not as badass as the first book. Thumbs up for this series and the next book better be super badass. Penryn and Raffe are still very enjoyable together and I am secretly hoping for another steamy kiss. 

Rating: 3.75/5

Ms. Marvel Volume #1 - Short & Sweet Review

I LOVED this story. It was a perfect way to kick off a new Ms. Marvel series and a great way for people like me (aka comics noobs) to jump into the Marvel Universe. Ms. Marvel follows Kamala Khan, a Muslim-American teenager who mysteriously gets super powers to become the new Ms. Marvel. However, the story was a lot more depth than just your basic back story. I found it very relatable for anybody who has ever felt different or has parents who are over-bearing. I found her family was relatable to anybody, because we all have weird siblings and embarrassing parents. This volume was a fantastic introduction into Kamala's life and I am excited to read the next volume to see where her character goes from here.  

Rating: 4.5 / 5 

Review: Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi

I decided to pick up the second book in the Shatter Me series, it happened. Unravel Me is the sequel to Shatter Me which follows our heroine Juliette and she just so happens to have the ability to kill with just her touch. Now, this is the second book in a series so go check out my review of Shatter Me to see my thoughts on how the series began. 

Now, I think I enjoyed Unravel Me. It was entertaining but I wasn't super invested in the story. I think one of my biggest issues with this series is that I don't click with the writing style. I find the author over used metaphors and it got tedious to read. However, I know many people really enjoy this style but I am just not a fan. No shame, I like what I like. What I did enjoy was the twists and turns this book delivered. There was definitely some VERY exciting plot revels that I honestly didn't see coming. That is what kept me going throughout the novel. I really enjoyed how the story built and am excited to see where it is going.

The other thing that bugs me at times throughout the book is the romance. There is a major love triangle developing which I find is a plot line that is way to overused in YA. Realistically, how many people have really been in an intense love triangle? Very few. However, I can understand why this one is building. In one corner you have Adam, the guy that Juliette really loves and cares for. Then you have Warner who she has a passionate connection with, BUT is also kind of the villain (Or maybe a developing anti-hero). Both of these guys and their relationships with Juliette bother me. Adam holds Juliette back from reaching her full potential, while Warner is very obsessive over her. I don't think either of these guys are right for Juliette, and I would rather her dump them both and be a strong independent women.  

Conclusions: Overall, I enjoyed Unravel Me but wasn't blown away. The plot is interesting and I am very interested to see how this series wraps up in Ignite Me. However, I don't gel with the writing style. I would also like to say that this is a romance book in a dystopian world. I really focuses on the romance, which can be a good or bad thing depending on what your are expecting or looking for.As long as you are in the mood for some romance, this is a good option. I do enjoy this series, I don't love it but I would recommend to YA lovers.

Rating: 3.25 / 5 
(Unravel Me - If X-Men was a romance)