I received a copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
World After is the second book in the Penryn & End of Days series, so naturally check out the first book in the series, Angelfall before doing anything else. But do note, that this a a solid sequel in the series, which is pretty badass.
This book was stressful. I had no idea how it was going to end without something horrible happening to one of our beloved characters. Similar to the first one, one bad situation seemed to follow another,which had Penryn running for her life while trying to protect her family. This book also delivers the same amount of gore that the first book gave, which I really enjoy in a YA novel. So if you don't like graphic imagery, avoid this series!
However, this book did suffer from a bit of second book syndrome, OR better known as filler to bridge the introduction to the series and the conclusion. There was some good story development and I can sense a kick ass conclusion to this series. However, what a lot of what made the first book so good was the banter between Raffe and Penryn, which was missing in the first 2/3 of this book. Together Raffe and Penryn are badass and the slow burn sort of romance is to die for. Without it, the story did lack some luster.
What still is awesome about this story is Penryn. She is still badass and holds her own. Who doesn't love a badass female heroine? Plus a lot of the new developments could really be awesome in the next book. Let's hope anyway.
Conclusions - Still pretty badass but not as badass as the first book. Thumbs up for this series and the next book better be super badass. Penryn and Raffe are still very enjoyable together and I am secretly hoping for another steamy kiss.
Rating: 3.75/5