Losing It by Cora Carmack Review

Losing It by Cora Carmack is a New Adult Novel about a virgin named Bliss. Bliss is in her senior in college and still hasn't lost her virginity. When she goes out to find a guy to have an exciting one night with, she meets Garrick. Sparks immediately fly but it turns out to not be as easy as she thought it would be. 

I have some major issues with this book, however I was exactly what I expected a very guilty pleasure romance read. What it had going for it was that Garrick could be quite swoon worthy and their relationship was definitly steamy. However, that was all it had going for it. My biggest issue was that I felt like Bliss' friends were virgin shaming her. Which isn't right or fair. Losing your virginity is a very personal thing and everybody should do it when they want to and how they want to. The major culprit of this was her friend Kelsey, whom I hated right from the start, She was the most annoying and selfish character I have read in a very long time. Bliss needs to drop her as a friend ASAP. Another thing that I disliked was the pressure from Bliss' mother to be engaged by the time she graduates. Ummm, girls don't go to university/college to get engaged. This is not the 60's, women don't need men to support them. I did however like that Bliss realizes this herself and didn't take that shit from her mother. 

Conclusions: It was at times an entertaining guilty pleasure book. It followed the "new adult romance" formula to a T and was very predictable. I have some issues with it that really brought down the reading experience for me. Not the worst thing out there but I feel like the author took some tips from Fifty Shades of Grey. Why is biting of the lip thought to be so attractive?  I will never know.

Rating : 2.5 / 5 (Essentially a bad lifetime movie)

Review - Anglefall by Susan Ee

I received a copy from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

Angelfall is a post-apocalyptic novel that takes place after the world has been destroyed by Angels. The story follows Penryn and her family trying to survive in this new world. When her sister is taken, Penryn needs the help from someone she thinks could be her enemy to get her back. 

I was actually very surprised with this book. It was filled with action and the story never took a dull turn. However, it isn't your traditional YA. You were painted a picture of the violence and gore. The the author didn't hold back on the bloody and disturbing descriptions, which I appreciated because that is what a post-apocalyptic world would look like. I really liked the main character, Penryn. She was a girl that could defend herself and didn't need anybody to carry her through life. She was a strong female lead and I didn't feel like she made any unwise or unrealistic decisions. I also found that Raffe was a good male lead, but I still feel like his character needs more time to grow. I feel like there is still a lot of mystery surrounding him and the other angels which I am excited for in the further novels. The romance (or not so romance) I feel was handled perfectly. You could see how conflicted they were but couldn't help but have some sort of loyalty to each other after what they went through. I also enjoyed how Susan Ee handled the mental illness of Penryns mother which I think added more depth to the story and the characters. 

Conclusions: 2 thumbs up from me. Angelfall is exciting and action packed. Very good solid characters and the story didn't slow down during any part. However, if you are not a fan of violence or bloody scenes during your books I would avoid this one. It reads like YA but with more adult content. I will definitly be continuing with the series.

Rating: 4/5 (Perfect for fans of post-apocalyptic books)