Genre: Young Adult, Dystopian
Published: 02/10/12 & 17/12/13 by Harper
Series: Shatter Me (novellas)
Format: Library e-books
Rating: 2 out of 5 Stars
These are the 2 novellas in the Shatter Me series. Destroy Me is Warners point of view after Shatter Me and Fracture Me is Adams point of view after Unravel Me.

I didn't enjoy either of these novellas, but that was to be expected. I don't like either of these characters they are both very obsessive of Juliette. I only read them because I heard that they were "mandatory" reading for the series and you get a new perspective for their characters. So I borrowed the ebooks from the library and read them. What bothers me the most in these books is that both of these characters are not good for Juliette. I'd much prefer to see her happy and alone than with either of these too brats. Warner obsesses over Juliette like she is a possession he must have. He at least knows that she is strong and powerful. Adam on the other hand sees Juliette as a fragile child that needs protection. Clearly, she is much more powerful and a stronger person than he is. He should know this by now and treat her with more respect; but nope. Adam thinks of her as a female stereotype that he needs to protect. Adam, news flash, women are just as strong as men. Especially women that that spend years in an asylum and who's touch can kill.
I did get some light into Warners character but you really can figure that out on your own by the end of Unravel Me anyway. If you are not a superfan of this series, these novellas are just annoying. Especially, if you don't like the characters. I makes me sad because I know this series is just going to end like this:
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