It's Thanksgiving weekend here in lovely Canada. I am headed home tomorrow for Turkey dinner and I am super excited. Thanksgiving is an awesome Holiday because I love to eat and to relax. Hopefully, this means that I will have lots of time to read this weekend. This week I might have picked up lots of books. I joined BookBud and I downloaded a few Freebies. I also picked up a few more marked down eBooks. Let's see what I grabbed this week!
The Sword of Summer by Rick Riordan
I pre-ordered this one and it was automatically added to my library on release day. I have already started reading this one and it's going pretty well. I really enjoyed the Percy Jackson series so I wanted to jump on his new series before I get way too behind. I haven't read The Hero's Olympus series yet but whatever.....
The Jewel by Amy Ewing
This one was only $2.99 and I was intrigued. Lots of people really dislike this book and that makes me want to read it more for some reason. It is compared to The Selection which is a super guilty pleasure series for me so I thought I might like this one in the same way. I don't know, we will have to see.
Etiquette & Espionage by Gail Carriger
This seems really interesting. I don't normally read this genre but lots of people are into Gail Carriger so I grabbed this book from Kobo's Thanksgiving sale. Woohoo
The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton
I have heard lots of amazing things about this book. I normally enjoy Historical Fiction so I also grabbed this one from the Kobo Thanksgiving sale.
This is one of the first times I picked up Free Books. Why haven't I done this before, Who Knows? I don't feel as bad if books that were Free build up because I didn't have to pay for it! I have actually heard of both of these stories before so hopefully I'll enjoy them.
The Carnelian Legacy by Cheryl Koevoet
The Misadvetures of a Playground Mother by Christie Barlow
Only Love Can Break Your Heart by Ed Tarkington
I nearly forgot that I got new books from Netgalley this week. I need to stop requesting books, and read the ones I've already requested. But these books look awesome and I couldn't help myself. Thank you Netgalley and the publishers for allowing me to read these beautiful books.
By the looks of it, I have a lot to read. I better get to it then! Let me know if you've read any of these books and what books came into your possession this week.