Review: The Grownup by Gillian Flynn

Genre: Suspense, Thriller
Publication: 11/03/2015 by Crown
Pages: 64 Pages
Source: Library
Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars
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Goodreads Summary
A canny young woman is struggling to survive by perpetrating various levels of mostly harmless fraud. On a rainy April morning, she is reading auras at Spiritual Palms when Susan Burke walks in. A keen observer of human behavior, our unnamed narrator immediately diagnoses beautiful, rich Susan as an unhappy woman eager to give her lovely life a drama injection. However, when the "psychic" visits the eerie Victorian home that has been the source of Susan's terror and grief, she realizes she may not have to pretend to believe in ghosts anymore. Miles, Susan's teenage stepson, doesn't help matters with his disturbing manner and grisly imagination. The three are soon locked in a chilling battle to discover where the evil truly lurks and what, if anything, can be done to escape it.

My Thoughts: 
This was my favourite short story I have ever read! I have never been a serious short story fan but this one was awesome. I really think that it told a whole cohesive story in it's few pages. I was on the edge of my seat while reading this. This story is definitely a thriller, and I have never really felt so engaged in a story for a long time. It's quite a dark story and I wanted it to last longer. I could really see this being developed into a full novel or even a movie. 

This is the second thing I have read by Gillian Flynn and I seriously need to read more from her.  I love her story telling and how different her stories are. All of her books are on my TBR now. I highly recommend this short story. 

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