Finished Series I Need to Finish | 2016

Like many of us readers out there I am terrible at finishing series. There are so many things I want to read and sometimes finishing series doesn't always make the top of my TBR. I really want to try and finish more series. Here are the series were all the books are published but I am still in the middle of them.

1) The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
Left to Finish: City of Fallen Angels, City of Lost Souls, City of Heavenly Fire

This is a big series. I only became invested after reading City of Glass and I decided to continue on after reading that one. But I want to read The Infernal Devices before I continue on with TMI or at least read them in publication order. Which now means I have 6 more books to read. So many words. Hopefully, I'll get to some of these books soon!

2) The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot
Left to Finish: Princess in Training, Party Princess, Princess on the Brink, Princess Mia, Forever Princess, The Royal Wedding

I don't think I read these books when I was younger so I want to catch up on what I was missing before the Royal Wedding. I listen have been listening to them on audio from the library and I'll hopefully be done soon. They are pretty short so maybe I'll get through them all.

 3) Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson 
Left to Finish: Well of Ascension, Hero of Ages 

I very much plan to finish reading these this summer but I have put them off until I finished school. I loved The Final Empire, and I am excited to keep going in this series. They are pretty big books so hopefully it won't take too long for me too get to.

4) Heroes of Olympus by Rick Riordan
Left to Finish: The Son of Neptune, The Mark of Athena, The House of Hades, The Blood of Olympus 

I really want to get into this series more and get caught up on Riordan's recent releases. I read The Percy Jackson series years ago, so it's time I finish the continuation. I also really want to read the new series coming about about Apollo but I think I should finish this series first.

 5) Upon a Marigold by Jean Ferris 
Left to Finish: Thrice Upon a Marigold

I read the first book all the way back in 6th or 7th grade and I fell in love with it. It's absolutely adorable and it's one of my favourites. However, the sequel wasn't as awesome but it won't take me long to actually finish this series. Just need to wander to the library and grab it.

  6) The Giver Quartette by Lois Lowry
  Left to finish: Gathering Blue, Messenger, Son

  I got a beautiful bind up of this quartette when the movie was coming out but I  somehow only read The Giver. I do have finishing this series on my 2016 goals  so I should probably get around to reading some of the others.

7) The Royal Circle by Katherine Longshore
Left to Finish: Tarnish, Brazen

This is a companion series that follows different wives of King Henry VIII. If you have been reading my blog for awhile you know that I absolutely adore Henry because he is a extremely complex and interesting historical figure. I love reading stories based on his life, so these books are right up that alley.

The series I need to finish list is growing everyday it seems. These are only the series where all the books are published. Hopefully, I can pull some more off this list in the future and keep a look out for more lists about series I need to finish.

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