Book Series I Have Decided to Quit

As readers, we all know that nobody likes everything. We all have book series that we don't want to continue with. These books were from the last year or so that just weren't my thing. I did one of these as a Top 10 Tuesday about a year ago, you can find it here. These are some more book series I just don't want to finish.

The Illuminae Files 
Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff

Let's start off with a shocker. This was one of the biggest books from last year, and it just didn't grab me. I just think the way the story was told just didn't mesh well with me. It took me forever to read, and I am just not interested enough to pick up the next book. This is just an example that not everything is for everyone.

The Lone City
Amy Ewing

This book just okay and I had a few problems with it. Now thinking back on this book I can't really remember anything. Looking back on my review and the synopsis there apparently was magic, which I don't remember at all. What I do remember, is that I thought the general idea was interesting but it just fell flat for me.

The 5th Wave
Rick Yancey

I really liked the first half of this book, but then it lost my attention. I was planning on reading the next book but then it wasn't getting great reviews. I got the audiobook of The Infinite Sea from the library and I listened to about an hour of it. I just wasn't feeling it and I doubt that I will ever go back to try again.

Rebel Belle
Rachel Hawkins

There wasn't anything wrong with this series. I enjoyed the first book but by when the time came around for the sequel and the finale I just wasn't feeling it. I am not connected with how this series ends and I am not reaching for this style of book at the moment. If I had read this earlier in my life I would have enjoyed it a lot more than at this point. Another lifetime maybe.

A few of these are some very popular books. This just shows that not every book is for everyone. Are these some of your favourite series? Have you quit any series lately? Let me know.

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