"Waiting on Wednesday" is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine. This meme is for books that haven't come out yet but we're still excited for.
This week I'm waiting for:
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard #1 (The Sword of Summer) by Rick Riordan
Release Date: October.6/2015
Goodreads Summary:
Magnus Chase has always been a troubled kid. Since his mother’s mysterious death, he’s lived alone on the streets of Boston, surviving by his wits, keeping one step ahead of the police and the truant officers. One day, he’s tracked down by a man he’s never met—a man his mother claimed was dangerous. The man tells him an impossible secret: Magnus is the son of a Norse god. The Viking myths are true. The gods of Asgard are preparing for war. Trolls, giants and worse monsters are stirring for doomsday. To prevent Ragnarok, Magnus must search the Nine Worlds for a weapon that has been lost for thousands of years. When an attack by fire giants forces him to choose between his own safety and the lives of hundreds of innocents, Magnus makes a fatal decision. Sometimes, the only way to start a new life is to die . . .
Waiting Because:
I really enjoyed reading the Percy Jackson series and I am excited to jump on Riordan's new series. I already pre-ordered this one for Kindle so I'll be on my to read list as soon as it comes out. It sounds very similar to Riordan's other story lines but Norse God's sound awesome. Please give me some Thor to dream about ;)
Top 10 Tuesday: Books on my Fall TBR
Top 10 Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
I am actually going to do last weeks list. I couldn't think of any books to recommend so I am going to do last weeks. Fall is a busy time for me but I still want to finish a bunch of books. Hopefully, I'll be able to read some of these before winter hits. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
1. Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi
I have been saying I need to read this book for ages now. I finished the first 2 in the Shatter Me series earlier this summer and it's time that I get to finishing the series. This one is at the top of my list and apart of my Fall Reading Goals.
2. The Conspiracy of Us - Maggie Hall
I currently have this one out from the library and waiting for me to read it. I honestly don't know a whole lot about this story but I am still intrigued to read it.
3. Secondhand Souls by Christopher Moore
This is the sequel to A Dirty Job, which is one of my all time favourite books. I NEED to read this ASAP. The problem is I need to read A Dirty Job first... Life Struggles.
4. The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson
I bought this earlier this summer and have been dying to read it since I came out last year. Why I haven't read it yet is still a mystery.
5. What You Left Behind - Jessica Verdi
This one is a Netgalley grab and I am super interested to read it. It seems heartbreaking and I haven't read a book like that in a very long time so look out for when I read this one.
6. Fishbowl by Bradley Somer
This one is another Netgalley grab and it sounds like a story told by a Goldfish. If that isn't intriguing, then I don't know what is. This one is from an indie author so I am very excited to get to review it.
7. The Perfect Comeback of Caroline Jacobs
This is my last Netgalley grab that I think I'll talk about. This one is getting awesome reviews and I can't wait to see how this story will unfold. It also seems like it is about learning how to be brave, which is something I need to work on myself.
8. The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski
I got this one months ago and have been dying to read it. It is also in the pile of "why haven't I read this yet?". It looks super interesting and I hear it's an emotional roller coaster. My body is ready.
9. Cinder by Marissa Meyer
This one and the sequel Scarlet are also waiting for me on my shelf. With the 4th book in the series coming out sometime this Fall, it's about time I read this series. It has a lot of fans so I am curious to see what it's all about.
10. The Lost Hero - Rick Riordan
I have wanted to read this book forever and I have been putting it off forever. I really enjoyed the Percy Jackson series so I would enjoy these. I just need more time in my life it seems.
That's what I plan on reading this Fall. It is subject to much change because I just read whatever I want mostly. I think I am getting back into balance again after a few crazy weeks so hopefully my reading will pick up. I am currently in the middle of 3 books, which is insane but whatever. Let me know what you're reading this fall or if you did a Top 10 Tuesday post this week. See You Later!
Sunday Post #4: School is Taking Over
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reader. This is a place where you can talk about news from your week, what you've been reading and what you expect to come up on your blog. To join in, check out the rules here.
I'm a busy human. I am still trying to balance school and reading for fun. It's been a struggle these first few weeks. I have had a lot of reading to do for school which outs me off wanting to read for fun. Essentially every readers nightmare. Not a lot of reading got done this week. I am currently on a weekend get away which also kills the reading schedule. However, audiobooks have been my new friends and are helping immensely.
I'm a busy human. I am still trying to balance school and reading for fun. It's been a struggle these first few weeks. I have had a lot of reading to do for school which outs me off wanting to read for fun. Essentially every readers nightmare. Not a lot of reading got done this week. I am currently on a weekend get away which also kills the reading schedule. However, audiobooks have been my new friends and are helping immensely.
Last Week on the Blog
Upcoming On the Blog
TV Review: Season 2 of The Goldbergs
The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson Review
The Martian by Andy Weir Review
Short & Sweet Graphic Novel Reviews
Currently Reading
I know I said I was going to finish these this week but it didn't happen. I did make some progress in Mistborn but I might just have to take a break and finish The Martian. We will see what happens. I am really enjoying both of them and really want to finish something.
Currently Listening To
I picked this one up for my long drive this weekend. I am excited to head home tomorrow and get into this story. I have heard a lot about it so I am excited to see what it is all about.
Fall Goals Progress
Let's be realistic, I got nowhere.
Read: Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi
Read: The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson
Read: A Dirty Job & Secondhand Souls by Christopher Moore
Read 3 Book off my Netgalley Shelf
I hope your reading week was better than mine! I'll see you again soon with another post.
Review: Columbine by Dave Cullen
Genre: Non-fiction, True Crime
Publication: 04/06/2009 by Twelve
Pages: 417 Pages
Source: Library Audiobook
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 Stars
Goodreads | Amazon | Indigo
Goodreads Summary:
On April 20, 1999, two boys left an indelible stamp on the American psyche. Their goal was simple: to blow up their school, Oklahoma-City style, and to leave "a lasting impression on the world." Their bombs failed, but the ensuing shooting defined a new era of school violence-irrevocably branding every subsequent shooting "another Columbine."
Now, in a riveting piece of journalism nearly ten years in the making, comes the story none of us knew. In this revelatory book, Dave Cullen has delivered a profile of teenage killers that goes to the heart of psychopathology. He lays bare the callous brutality of mastermind Eric Harris, and the quavering, suicidal Dylan Klebold, who went to prom three days earlier and obsessed about love in his journal.
The result is an astonishing account of two good students with lots of friends, who came to stockpile a basement cache of weapons, to record their raging hatred, and to manipulate every adult who got in their way. They left signs everywhere, described by Cullen with a keen investigative eye and psychological acumen. Drawing on hundreds of interviews, thousands of pages of police files, FBI psychologists, and the boy's tapes and diaries, Cullen gives the first complete account of the Columbine tragedy.
My Thoughts:
I don't know how I am suppose to rate or review this book. It's a difficult thing to do considering the tragedy that this book digs into. I picked this book up because of a recommendation from WhyMermaids' T5W post about Book with Mental Illness. I was interested in seeing what happened at Columbine and how people moved on afterwards. This book did exactly that, it talked about Eric and Dylan's transition into mass murder, it de-bunked many myths associated with the tragedy and it talked about the victims and how everyone began to move on with their lives.
I am only really marking this book down based on my own enjoyment. I found it very difficult to listen to at times based on the material and I occasionally got lost in the narration. I didn't always know what the narrator was referring too so I was often confused. However, this is a well written book and if you are interested in finding out more about what happened at Columbine this is an excellent one to pick up. It truly is scary how this could have happened anywhere. I went to High School long after this happened, but I knew a lot of the policies that were put in place such as a lock down or evacuation procedures where put into place because of Columbine and other tragedies like it.
Even though this book covered such a intense and emotional topic, it still ended with hope which I very much appreciated. "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when one only remembers to turn on the light" - Albus Dumbledore
Publication: 04/06/2009 by Twelve
Pages: 417 Pages
Source: Library Audiobook
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 Stars
Goodreads | Amazon | Indigo
Goodreads Summary:
On April 20, 1999, two boys left an indelible stamp on the American psyche. Their goal was simple: to blow up their school, Oklahoma-City style, and to leave "a lasting impression on the world." Their bombs failed, but the ensuing shooting defined a new era of school violence-irrevocably branding every subsequent shooting "another Columbine."
Now, in a riveting piece of journalism nearly ten years in the making, comes the story none of us knew. In this revelatory book, Dave Cullen has delivered a profile of teenage killers that goes to the heart of psychopathology. He lays bare the callous brutality of mastermind Eric Harris, and the quavering, suicidal Dylan Klebold, who went to prom three days earlier and obsessed about love in his journal.
The result is an astonishing account of two good students with lots of friends, who came to stockpile a basement cache of weapons, to record their raging hatred, and to manipulate every adult who got in their way. They left signs everywhere, described by Cullen with a keen investigative eye and psychological acumen. Drawing on hundreds of interviews, thousands of pages of police files, FBI psychologists, and the boy's tapes and diaries, Cullen gives the first complete account of the Columbine tragedy.
My Thoughts:
I don't know how I am suppose to rate or review this book. It's a difficult thing to do considering the tragedy that this book digs into. I picked this book up because of a recommendation from WhyMermaids' T5W post about Book with Mental Illness. I was interested in seeing what happened at Columbine and how people moved on afterwards. This book did exactly that, it talked about Eric and Dylan's transition into mass murder, it de-bunked many myths associated with the tragedy and it talked about the victims and how everyone began to move on with their lives.
I am only really marking this book down based on my own enjoyment. I found it very difficult to listen to at times based on the material and I occasionally got lost in the narration. I didn't always know what the narrator was referring too so I was often confused. However, this is a well written book and if you are interested in finding out more about what happened at Columbine this is an excellent one to pick up. It truly is scary how this could have happened anywhere. I went to High School long after this happened, but I knew a lot of the policies that were put in place such as a lock down or evacuation procedures where put into place because of Columbine and other tragedies like it.
Even though this book covered such a intense and emotional topic, it still ended with hope which I very much appreciated. "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when one only remembers to turn on the light" - Albus Dumbledore
Sunday Post #3: Cha, cha, changes!
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reader. This is a place where you can talk about news from your week, what you've been reading and what you expect to come up on your blog. To join in, check out the rules here.
After a few weeks of craziness, my life is starting to get back on the rails. I just started school back up again so hopefully I will still be able to make lots of time to read. I am only taking 3 courses so it shouldn't be as bad as my last 4 years. I am at a whole new university and it's awesome but I got lost the first few day. I am now moved into my new apartment as well and spending lots of time at the nicest library ever!
After a few weeks of craziness, my life is starting to get back on the rails. I just started school back up again so hopefully I will still be able to make lots of time to read. I am only taking 3 courses so it shouldn't be as bad as my last 4 years. I am at a whole new university and it's awesome but I got lost the first few day. I am now moved into my new apartment as well and spending lots of time at the nicest library ever!
Last Week On The Blog
Upcoming This Week (Maybe)
The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson Review
The Martian by Andy Weir Review
Graphic Novels Short Reviews
Currently Reading
My currently reading pile accidentally got out of hand this week. I accidentally left The Final Empire at my parents house when I went home for the week so I picked up The Martian while I was waiting to get it back. Now I'm halfway through each and their library due dates are coming up. So I have to finish both of these this week. Let's hope I make it.
Currently Listening to:
I saw someone talking about this book on Booktube earlier this week and I was compelled to pick this up from my library. I am now using public transit to get to school and get around the city I live in so listening to an audiobook while doing that is perfect. So far this book is absolutely horrifying as you can imagine and I know it will be very hard to rate at the end.
Fall Goals Progress:
I only just posted my Fall Reading Goals here. I haven't made any progress yet but I am excited to have the goals set and ready to go!
Read: Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi
Read: The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson
Read: A Dirty Job & Secondhand Souls by Christopher Moore
Read 3 Book off my Netgalley Shelf
That's all for this week folks! I hope your reading week went well. Happy Reading :)
Review: Still Foolin' Em by Billy Crystal
Genre: Memoir, Humour
Publication: 10/09/10 by Henry Holt and Co.
Pages: 288 pages
Source: Library Audiobook
Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars
Goodreads | Amazon | Indigo
Goodreads Summary:
Billy Crystal is turning 65, and he's not happy about it. With his trademark wit and heart, he outlines the absurdities and challenges that come with growing old, from insomnia to memory loss to leaving dinners with half your meal on your shirt. In humorous chapters like "Buying the Plot" and "Nodding Off," Crystal not only catalogues his physical gripes, but offers a road map to his 77 million fellow baby boomers who are arriving at this milestone age with him. He also looks back at the most powerful and memorable moments of his long and storied life, from entertaining his relatives as a kid in Long Beach, Long Island, his years doing stand-up in the Village, up through his legendary stint at "Saturday Night Live," "When Harry Met Sally," and his long run as host of the Academy Awards. Readers get a front-row seat to his one-day career with the New York Yankees (he was the first player to ever "test positive for Maalox"), his love affair with Sophia Loren, and his enduring friendships with several of his idols, including Mickey Mantle and Muhammad Ali. He lends a light touch to more serious topics like religion ("the aging friends I know have turned to the Holy Trinity: Advil, bourbon, and Prozac"), grandparenting, and, of course, dentistry. As wise and poignant as they are funny, Crystal's reflections are an unforgettable look at an extraordinary life well lived.
My Thoughts:
I love Billy Crystal. When Harry Met Sally is my all time favourite movie ever so I had to pick up him memoir. I listened to this one on audiobook, which is awesome because Billy Crystal narrates the story which is my absolute favourite way to listen to memoirs. I love hearing the author actually read their story, I feel like you get a fuller picture.
This book is set up in essay format like a lot of memoirs. Billy talks about different life experiences and gives you some of his life insights. This books was hilarious when it wanted to be and it was endearing when it wanted to be as well. I even teared up a little during certain spots. The only thing about this book that didn't entertain me as much was the parts about Billy being old. Don't get me wrong, they were still funny parts but I'm 22 and at this point in my life I can't really relate.
My favourite parts of this memoir was the behind the scene stories about The Princess Bride and When Harry Met Sally. The book pretty much started off with a Princess Bride quote so I was so excited. I love hearing about how these got made and how things came together behind the scenes which is awesome for any serious movie fan.
Conclusions: If you love Billy Crystal, check this out. Billy is funny and this is an interesting memoir. If you have the opportunity, pick up the audiobook. Have fun storming the castle!
Publication: 10/09/10 by Henry Holt and Co.
Pages: 288 pages
Source: Library Audiobook
Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars
Goodreads | Amazon | Indigo
Goodreads Summary:
Billy Crystal is turning 65, and he's not happy about it. With his trademark wit and heart, he outlines the absurdities and challenges that come with growing old, from insomnia to memory loss to leaving dinners with half your meal on your shirt. In humorous chapters like "Buying the Plot" and "Nodding Off," Crystal not only catalogues his physical gripes, but offers a road map to his 77 million fellow baby boomers who are arriving at this milestone age with him. He also looks back at the most powerful and memorable moments of his long and storied life, from entertaining his relatives as a kid in Long Beach, Long Island, his years doing stand-up in the Village, up through his legendary stint at "Saturday Night Live," "When Harry Met Sally," and his long run as host of the Academy Awards. Readers get a front-row seat to his one-day career with the New York Yankees (he was the first player to ever "test positive for Maalox"), his love affair with Sophia Loren, and his enduring friendships with several of his idols, including Mickey Mantle and Muhammad Ali. He lends a light touch to more serious topics like religion ("the aging friends I know have turned to the Holy Trinity: Advil, bourbon, and Prozac"), grandparenting, and, of course, dentistry. As wise and poignant as they are funny, Crystal's reflections are an unforgettable look at an extraordinary life well lived.
My Thoughts:
I love Billy Crystal. When Harry Met Sally is my all time favourite movie ever so I had to pick up him memoir. I listened to this one on audiobook, which is awesome because Billy Crystal narrates the story which is my absolute favourite way to listen to memoirs. I love hearing the author actually read their story, I feel like you get a fuller picture.
This book is set up in essay format like a lot of memoirs. Billy talks about different life experiences and gives you some of his life insights. This books was hilarious when it wanted to be and it was endearing when it wanted to be as well. I even teared up a little during certain spots. The only thing about this book that didn't entertain me as much was the parts about Billy being old. Don't get me wrong, they were still funny parts but I'm 22 and at this point in my life I can't really relate.
My favourite parts of this memoir was the behind the scene stories about The Princess Bride and When Harry Met Sally. The book pretty much started off with a Princess Bride quote so I was so excited. I love hearing about how these got made and how things came together behind the scenes which is awesome for any serious movie fan.
Conclusions: If you love Billy Crystal, check this out. Billy is funny and this is an interesting memoir. If you have the opportunity, pick up the audiobook. Have fun storming the castle!
Fall Reading Goals
Hey guys, I decided that today I wanted to talk about all the books I want to read before the end of 2015. I am going to keep these goals pretty short because anything that I read on top of what I have to read for school is a plus. So here are the books that I want to finish before 2015:
1) Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi
I read the first 2 books in this series at the beginning of this year so I think it's about to finish this series. I'm not absolutely loving this series but I am still very curious how it ends. Lot's of people really love this series so I want to finish it soon.
2) The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson
I have been excited to read this book since it came out last year. I ordered it earlier in the summer and never got around to reading it. Now since the second book came out I think it's high time I read this one.
3-4) A Dirty Job & Secondhand Souls by Christopher Moore
I love Christopher Moore, and I can't say it too many times. I have been waiting for Secondhand Souls to come out since I knew of it's existence. But I really want to re-read A Dirty Job before I jump into the sequel. I just need this to happen.
5) Read at least 3 Books from Netgalley
I have a bunch of books waiting for me on my Netgalley self so before the end of the season I want to have read at least 3 off that list. I'll post below which books I have been approved for. If there is one that you would like to see a review for please let me know and I'll move it up my list.

1) Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi
I read the first 2 books in this series at the beginning of this year so I think it's about to finish this series. I'm not absolutely loving this series but I am still very curious how it ends. Lot's of people really love this series so I want to finish it soon.
2) The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson
I have been excited to read this book since it came out last year. I ordered it earlier in the summer and never got around to reading it. Now since the second book came out I think it's high time I read this one.
3-4) A Dirty Job & Secondhand Souls by Christopher Moore
I love Christopher Moore, and I can't say it too many times. I have been waiting for Secondhand Souls to come out since I knew of it's existence. But I really want to re-read A Dirty Job before I jump into the sequel. I just need this to happen.
5) Read at least 3 Books from Netgalley
I have a bunch of books waiting for me on my Netgalley self so before the end of the season I want to have read at least 3 off that list. I'll post below which books I have been approved for. If there is one that you would like to see a review for please let me know and I'll move it up my list.

So many books so little time. I will read them all eventually but my goal is about 1 a month.
Hopefully I can accomplish these goals, but it not I am not worried. School is my number 1 priority so if I don't get as much fun reading done as I hope that's okay with me. I might also likely change my mind depending on what I feel like or what books come into my possession over the season as well. That is all for now and happy reading :)
Stacking the Shelves #4 - Accidental Library Haul
Stacking The Shevles is a weekly meme hosted by Tyngas Reviews.
I happened to come into a lot of books this week. I also happen to to start school this week so who knows when I'll get to these but I am excited to see all these. I went to the library to spend some time reading the other day and found out I had 2 holds waiting for me. Oppies.
The Secret Fire by CJ Daughterty
I grabbed this one off Netgally this week. It sounds like a lot of other books that I have read but hopefully it'll be interesting. This book was released on September 3.
Description: Sacha Winters can’t die. Until his eighteenth birthday he is invincible. On that day it all ends for Sacha – the result of a curse that has plagued his family for centuries. His death will fulfil the curse – and unleash a wave of destruction. He has no idea how to stop it, only the cryptic notes left behind by his father, and a strange connection with a girl he has only just met to guide him.
Another one that I ordered from the library. Haven't seen this one around too much but am anxious to get to it.
I happened to come into a lot of books this week. I also happen to to start school this week so who knows when I'll get to these but I am excited to see all these. I went to the library to spend some time reading the other day and found out I had 2 holds waiting for me. Oppies.
The Secret Fire by CJ Daughterty
I grabbed this one off Netgally this week. It sounds like a lot of other books that I have read but hopefully it'll be interesting. This book was released on September 3.
Description: Sacha Winters can’t die. Until his eighteenth birthday he is invincible. On that day it all ends for Sacha – the result of a curse that has plagued his family for centuries. His death will fulfil the curse – and unleash a wave of destruction. He has no idea how to stop it, only the cryptic notes left behind by his father, and a strange connection with a girl he has only just met to guide him.
Taylor Montclair is a quiet, studious girl focused on her dream of getting into Oxford University. She’s also the only one who can save Sacha. Only neither of them knows that yet. And Sacha lives hundreds of miles away, in Paris.Taylor and Sacha have eight weeks to find each other. To unravel the secrets buried in their families’ past. And to discover the power that lies within them.
Sacha’s life, and the fate of the world depends on it. The clock starts NOW.
Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella
This one was on sale on the Kindle store over the Labour Day weekend. It has had a lot of hype and I was excited to pick it up from $4.99.
Description: An anxiety disorder disrupts fourteen-year-old Audrey’s daily life. She has been making slow but steady progress with Dr. Sarah, but when Audrey meets Linus, her brother’s gaming teammate, she is energized. She connects with him. Audrey can talk through her fears with Linus in a way she’s never been able to do with anyone before. As their friendship deepens and her recovery gains momentum, a sweet romantic connection develops, one that helps not just Audrey but also her entire family.
The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson
I've had a hold on this book for ages. I finally came in and it's the BIGGEST book I have read. The hardcover is massive!
Description: In a world where ash falls from the sky, and mist dominates the night, an evil cloaks the land and stifles all life. The future of the empire rests on the shoulders of a troublemaker and his young apprentice. Together, can they fill the world with color once more?
The Conspiracy of Us by Maggie Hall

Description: Avery West's newfound family can shut down Prada when they want to shop in peace, and can just as easily order a bombing when they want to start a war. Part of a powerful and dangerous secret society called the Circle, they believe Avery is the key to an ancient prophecy. Some want to use her as a pawn. Some want her dead. To unravel the mystery putting her life in danger, Avery must follow a trail of clues from the monuments of Paris to the back alleys of Istanbul with two boys who work for the Circle—beautiful, volatile Stellan and mysterious, magnetic Jack. But as the clues expose a stunning conspiracy that might plunge the world into World War 3, she discovers that both boys are hiding secrets of their own. Now she will have to choose not only between freedom and family--but between the boy who might help her save the world, and the one she's falling in love with
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: Angela
I read volume 1 a few months ago and grabbed the second volume at the library.
Description: Spinning out of the dramatic conclusion of Age of Ultron, dimensions collide and Heaven's most fearsome Angel arrives - and comes straight for the Guardians! Gamora, one of the galaxy's greatest warriors, holds a deadly secret that could bring down the entire team. And when Gamora battles Angela, the entire universe hangs in the balance! Then, the galaxy's most mismatched heroes find themselves at a crossroads when the effects of Infinity begin to rise. Can even the mysterious Angela's power help combat the fallout from Thanos' master plan? And what will it take for Star-Lord to betray the entire Marvel Universe? The biggest blockbuster hit of the year continues as critically acclaimed artists Sara Pichelli and Francesco Francavilla climb aboard...and comics legend Neil Gaiman joins the team in this one-of-a-kind comic book event!
The Griff by Christopher Moore & Ian Corson
A graphic novel by my favourite author, Yes please! I'm not even sure what it's about but I am excited to read it.
Description: The alien's four-step plan to conquer our planet included the attack of minivan-sized griffin-like dragons and the destruction of all humankind. Into that ominous sounding onslaught wanders a trio of earthly survivors who don't seem to take anything too seriously. Writer Christopher Moore and artist Ian Corson have created a graphic novel that could probably keep even its bad guys laughing.
Ms. Marvel Vol. 2: Generation Why
I haven't actually gone to pick this one up yet but it's currently waiting for me at the library. I am really excited to get into this story deeper.
Description: Who is the Inventor, and what does he want with the all-new Ms. Marvel and all her friends? Maybe Wolverine can help! If Kamala can stop fan-girding out about meeting her favorite super hero, that is. Then, Kamala crosses paths with Inhumanity -- by meeting the royal dog, Lockjaw! But why is Lockjaw really with Kamala? As Ms. Marvel discovers more about her past, the Inventor continues to threaten her future. Kamala bands together with some unlikely heroes to stop the maniacal villain before he does real damage, but has she taken on more than she can handle? And how much longer can Ms. Marvel's life take over Kamala Khan's? Kamala Khan continues to prove why she's the best (and most adorable) new super hero there is!
Top Ten Tuesday: Finished Series That I Have Yet To Finish
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Broke and Bookish. Check out there blog to join in to future top ten Tuesdays. This week we are discussing book series that are finished but we haven't finished yet. I am not great at finishing series. I am trying hard to get onto finishing these series but many have been sitting on my TBRs forever so we will see if I ever finish them.
1) Penryn & The End of Days Series by Susan Ee
1) Penryn & The End of Days Series by Susan Ee
I have read the first 2 in this trilogy and the third only recently came out. I have lots of plans to read End of Days very soon but I have a lot on my plate right now. Maybe next month? I want to finish this series before I forget too much from the first 2.
2) Shatter Me Series by Tahereh Mafi
I only have Ignite Me left to read and I had full intensions on reading it very soon. However, I somehow ended up reading Mistborn instead and it got bumped. Opps. I want to finish this series soon because I want to over with. I am not a huge fan of the first too but I am sticking it out till the end.
When The Maze Runner movie was coming out I grabbed the box set. Bad decisions Sam. Turns out, I didn't really enjoy The Maze Runner or The Scorch Trials. But I have the box set and there really is only one more left to read so I will finish off with The Death Cure. It'll be unlikely if I finish The Kill Order or the other prequel that is apparently coming out.
4) The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
Here's another series that I don't know if I'm ever really going to finish. I've read the first 2 and they were just okay. I own City of Glass and plan on reading it in the not too distant future. If I don't enjoy that one I am giving up on this series. They are huge books and if I'm not into it I'm not going to force myself through it.
5. The Giver Quartet by Lois Lowry
I have a bind up of this series but I still only have finished The Giver. These are pretty short each so I'll eventually finish it one day.
6) Upon a Marigold by Jean Ferris
This is a super cute middle grade series! I read the first 2 and the first one has a special place in my heart. I am going to grab the 3rd one eventually from the library and close up this story.
7) The Robert Langdon Series by Dan Brown
I started this series a LONG time ago. I read the first 2 books before the last 2 came out and never got around to reading them. At this point I many never get to it but I like picturing Tom Hanks as the lead character.
8) Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella
I've read a ton of these books and they never seem to stop coming out. Who knows if it's actually a completed series. I've read up till Shopaholic and Baby. There are 2 more books I need to read that are currently out.
I guess that isn't 10, but I won't have 8. Oh well! Hopefully one day I will finish all these series.
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